There’s nothing like a glossy mag to brighten up your day. Fashion tips, great buys, star stalking, and most importantly your horoscope.
Unfortunately for us working girls, kicking back with a Grazia, Famous, or Frankie during work hours is just not on.
There’s truly nothing that can replace the feeling that comes with opening the first page of your favourite glossy (or matt) magazine. But, there is something that can sate your hunger. A blog. This blog. Lady Chameleon.
Tune in for almost-daily snippets on local and international brands and trends. Subscribe to the feed and have it shoot straight to your inbox. You'll look like you’re diligently checking your email, rather than wasting time surfing the web.
Otherwise just check in every few days for a little something that will keep you going ‘til the weekend.
Oh, and don’t forget to comment. Good or bad we like opinions.
Thanks to k.james for the image.
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